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46 results [Viewing all]

46 results [Viewing 37 - 46]

Land - Land
Land off Old Fen Baulk Road, Witchford, Ely, CB6 2HX

An opportunity to purchase three parcels of arable land extending to 23.03 acres (9.32 hectares) situated in a rural location near the village of Witchford. The land is classified as Grade 2 on the Agricultural Land Classification Map and the Soil Survey of England & Wales classifies the soils as being mainly of the Hanslope soil association; a slowly permeable clay soil, suitable for winter cereals and some other arable crops. The arable land has been cropped with Winter Wheat for the 2021 and 2022 harvest, fallow 2023, triticale 2024 and fallow 2025. The property is accessed over Old Fen Baulk Road, which is a public byway from the A142.

Auction property
Cross Lane, Blidworth, Mansfield

A single enclosure of agricultural land extending to 11.27 acres (4.56 hectares) with access of Cross Lane.

3 Bedroom
High Street, Chatteris

A mid terrace extended period house situated off the High Street Cahtteris with frontage to Furrowfield Road. The property has 3 bedrooms and 2 receptions rooms along with an enclosed shared forecourt garden and off the street car parking.

Witcham Toll

A single enclosure of arable land extending to approximately 6.10 hectares (15.07 acres) for sale by private treaty.

2 Bedroom
High Street, Chatteris

A mid-terrace period town house situated on the High Street, Chatteris. The property comprises a two-bedroom house with rear access to a pathway leading to a private carpark where there is an undesignated parking space.

1 Bedroom
High Street, Chatteris

A period town house occupying the corner of High Street and Furrowfield Road, Chatteris. The property comprises a three-storey 1-bedroom dwelling with a rear enclosed shared courtyard garden.

Land - Land
0.96 acres of Land north of Iram Drove, Willingham, Cambridgeshire, CB24 5HZ

An excellent opportunity to acquire 0.96 (0.38ha) of grassland to the east of the village of Willingham, Cambridgeshire. The land is flat in nature and a regular shaped field parcel, with vehicular access from Iram Drove, via a gated access. There are ditches running along the western and southern boundaries and a combination of established hedgerows and post and wire fencing to the remainder. There are currently no services connected to the land. The eastern boundary is undefined, see General Remarks and & Stipulations below.

Auction property

A single enclosure of arable land extending to approximately 2.22 hectares (5.49 acres) for sale by private treaty.

Under Offer
Whittlesey Road, March
Land off Cherry Tree Lane, Soham