Guiding you through the planning process from start to finish, we will work with you to deliver a comprehensive planning application leaving no stone unturned. We can assist you with the preparation and submission of all types of applications, from achieving planning permission for individual building plots to major residential and commercial developments.

Larger planning applications can be complex; we can help you with Environmental Impact Assessments, the management of community consultation and stakeholder engagement events or the preparation of S106 Agreements.

We define the scope of a project at the outset to establish what technical work is required to maximise prospects for a successful planning application. This may be quite modest for small projects and can be extensive for larger residential and commercial schemes. Properly undertaken, this can save you time and money in the long run.

If you need help with a planning application appeal, you can find out more here.

Planning permission in Cambridge

We are well located alongside the property team at Clifton House in Cambridge and we have a proven track record of successfully helping clients seeking planning permission in Cambridgeshire & the surrounding area. Our team also helps clients successfully achieve planning permission throughout Suffolk, Norfolk, Hertfordshire, East Northamptonshire and Peterborough.

Types of planning permission

At Cheffins we understand the complexities of different Planning Permissions and each application is tailored according to your requirements. Whether you need to make an application for an extension, need permission to make alterations to a listed building or even want to demolish and rebuild, we can help. Below we have included some of the types of planning permission we can help with and highlighted circumstances where you may need not apply.

A breakdown of types of planning permission:

  • Full planning permission: involves detailed drawings showing the full details of a proposal;
  • Outline planning permission: essentially confirms the principle of development only;
  • Listed building consent: required for physical changes to the fabric of a listed building;
  • Prior approvals: for certain types of permitted development, a prior approval may be required from the local authority; and
  • Discharge of conditions: concluding final details following the grant of planning permission.

Building without planning permission

Planning permission may not be required where relevant Permitted Development Rights exist. These rights are complex, and advice should be sought to clarify whether permission is or is not required.

Permission may not be needed due to the passage of time. If there has been a breach of planning control for several years then it may be possible to confirm the development or use as being lawful through a Certificate of Lawful Development.

Planning permission for temporary buildings

We have secured permission for a number of temporary buildings for commercial, recreational and leisure purposes (such as a wedding venue). Usage of buildings may be temporary such as seasonal occupation at Christmas. The key factors are the nature of the development or use, the implications of that development and the temporary period involved.

Green belt land & planning permission

The Green Belt is one of the most severe restraints on planning and there is an established Green Belt surrounding Cambridge which extends to about 5-6 miles in width. Within a Green Belt, only a limited range of development is permissible even in principle. The type of activity or development and the nature of an existing Green Belt site are paramount. Changes of use of existing buildings may well be acceptable in principle.

Planning Permission & Listed Buildings

Listed buildings can raise concerns over heritage impacts and involve different and seemingly complex legislation. Projects may involve listed building consent, or they may require listed building consent and planning permission depending on details, Different controls also apply for buildings located in Conservation Areas (see below). It is important to note that, unlike planning permission, it is a criminal offence to alter a listed building without the necessary listed building consent in place.

Planning permission to demolish and rebuild

In many locations, it may well be possible to demolish a property and rebuild something similar. This will depend on the location, the property to be demolished and its use and the replacement proposal. For example, it is common to consider the replacement of rural dwellings and careful consideration needs to be given to the scale of any replacement dwelling. It is often not possible to demolish a building and replace it with one in a different use. Given the number of factors involved here – advice should be sought at an early stage, particularly if clients are contemplating purchasing a property with replacement in mind.

Conservation area planning restrictions

There are four areas of concern within Conservation Areas. Firstly, greater attention is paid to design matters so that new development is in keeping with its surroundings, Secondly, planning control is exercised over a greater level of development so that more minor matters require approval. Thirdly, demolition within Conservation Areas requires approval and fourthly, all trees within Conservation Areas are afforded a degree of protection.

Need Planning Advice?

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Our experts
Adam Tuck BSc (Hons) MRICS CPDS
Planning & Development
Edward Clarke BSc (Hons) MSc
Planning & Development
Kennedy Durrant
Planning & Development
Ruth Gunton BA (Hons) MSc MRTPI
Planning & Development
Toni Hylton
Senior Planner
Planning & Development
Emma Thompson BA (Hons) MSc MRTPI
Planning & Development