Listing, De-listing and Certificates of Immunity follow a similar process but can lead to different outcomes depending on the type of building and its special interest.

Historic England Listing and Listing Enhancement

Listing and listing enhancement can help you protect a building you love or establish which elements of a site fall under protection. Through a tailored assessment of special interest, we can help present a case for a building to be listed to Historic England. We can provide more information about the listed buildings on your site using the listing enhancement process which will clearly detail why a building has been listed and where its significance lies. This can help provide a more fundamental understanding during the planning process.


Sometimes buildings are no longer considered to be of special architectural or historic interest. This may be because new evidence is available relating to a loss of interest or a material change of circumstances such as fire damage. Please be aware that most buildings do not meet the criteria for de-listing, however, our historic building consultants can guide you through the process of de-listing a building and provide advice as to whether the application is likely to be successful.

Certificate of immunity

A Certificate of Immunity (COI) can be granted to make a building immune from listing for five years. COIs can be a useful tool for developers looking to minimise risks to a project, especially when working with younger buildings of around 30 years old as these will be eligible for listing. Whilst there is a risk that the building may instead become listed through this route should it be deemed of sufficient architectural and historic interest, this process can provide clarity early in the project rather than further along the planning process. We can help put together an application for this and advise whether your building is appropriate.

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