If your project is located within a conservation area or near other heritage assets, you will need a heritage statement to assess the potential impact of the proposals. At Cheffins, we understand the complexities of heritage assets and can produce bespoke heritage statements to support your proposals.
What is a heritage statement?
The content of a Heritage Statement will vary according to its purpose, the heritage assets involved and the scale of the proposed development. However, as an overview, our Heritage Statements will cover:
- Identification of heritage assets with the potential to be impacted by development
- A history of the site, informed by desk-top and archival research if needed
- Statemet of Significance relating to the special interest of the identified heritage assets
- Review of planning history
- Summary of the decision-making framework
- Assessment against the local and national policy
- Justification of the proposals against the relevant decision-making framework
Our heritage planning team is experienced in assessing the impact of proposals on a range of heritage assets including:
- Listed buildings
- Conservation areas
- Scheduled monuments
- Registered parks and gardens
- Locally listed buildings
We work closely with architects, landscape architects and other heritage professionals to ensure the scheme preserves or enhances the significance or setting of these assets. We can help to create a successful scheme through a consideration of design, materiality, scale, massing, colour palette and landscaping.
Heritage statement for listed building consent
To find out more about Heritage Statements for Listed Building Consent, please click here.
Heritage statement for sites in conservation areas
If a site or property is located within a conservation area, there is an additional level of protection and legislation. Conservation Areas are given statutory proection under the provisions of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. Section 72 requires that the decision-maker must pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of conservation areas.
Our experienced heritage planners can help provide advice on a developing scheme in a conservation area and also help prepare a Heritage Statement to support the planning application. This will assess the scheme in relation to the statutory test of whether it preserves and/or enhances the character or appearance of conservation areas.
Conservation areas do not have the same permitted development rights afforded to properties outside the boundary and may have some additional restrictions in the form of Article 4 directions.
Heritage statement for setting assessment
Even if a site or property is not within a conservation area or a listed building or other designated or non-designated asset, you may still need a Heritage Statement to support your planning application. The setting of listed buildings is protected in legislation, with the setting of conservation areas and other assets protected in national and local policy.
Our Heritage team is able to produce a Heritage Statement, assessing the potential impact of your proposals, whether it's extensions and small scale development or larger schemes such as residential, commercial and industrial. We can help provide mitigation advice throughout the design process and help you achieve a successful scheme which meets the requirements of the local planning authority (LPA).