First edition works by the Bronte sisters fetched far in excess of their presale estimates at the Cheffins Library Sale on 27th April.
The leading lot was a rare edition of Wuthering Heights, which sold for £46,000 against a presale estimate of £10,000 to £20,000 to a UK buyer. Consigned from the same Cambridgeshire collection was a first edition of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, which achieved £13,000 against an estimate of £6,000 - £8,000 and sold to another UK buyer. A second edition of Jane Eyre made £3,800 when it sold to a London purchaser, again from the same single owner collection, above its guide price of £1,500 - £2,500.

Among the maps, a copy of the Map of London from the years 1824, 1825 and 1826 by C & J Greenwood achieved £21,000 to a UK buyer. This large-scale map which measured over 127cm x 185cm saw much presale interest and was consigned from a Norfolk library collection.
Another highlight was a childhood drawing by Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret, dated 1938-1939 was sold for £9,000 to a private UK buyer.
Charles Ashton, Director, Cheffins says: “This sale saw a strong consignment of first editions, 19th century literature and large-scale collections, as well as a few show stopping pieces. Bidders, both trade and private, were out in force, with lots being sold across Europe, as well as to a number of private collectors from across the country. The results from this auction go to show the continued enthusiasm for rare books and literature, and the health of the market in this collecting field. The next Library Sale will take place on October 12th, for which we already have had enquiries for possible consignments to bring to the market.”
To view the full results from the sale, please click here.